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Néstor Korublum

Nestor Kornblum (South Africa) is a co-director and co-founder of the Association of Sound Therapy (Spain), and the International Association of Sound Therapy (I.A.S.T.). He is a sound therapist and overtone singer of international repute, today working and conducting courses worldwide. He has been interviewed numerous times on TV, radio and in the press, and has written articles both in English and Spanish on sound as a healing modality.

Together with his wife and partner in sound Michêle Averard he has published several CDs of music for healing, meditation and relaxation. His new instruction book with CD, Overtone Chant: the Practical Guide has recently been published and has received critical acclaim from therapists and musicians in many countries. Nestor is able, employing a variety of techniques for amplifying the harmonics or pure frequencies within the voice, to sing two, three or even 4 simultaneous sounds, with a span of 5 octaves. This knowledge has enabled him to give master classes on vocal harmonics at several universities. He has performed concerts together with Michêle in Sacred Music Festivals, festivals devoted to the Healing Arts, in Cathedrals and churches all over Europe, and World Music festivals. H.H. Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu have been among members of their audience.
Together with his wife Michêle Averard he has produced several CDs of healing/meditational music. The CDs have received acclaim from therapists in all areas of healing and transformation for their ability to provoke transformation, relaxation, stress release and healing.

Libros de Néstor Korublum

actualizado hace 3 días

Catalogo 2018


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