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Mythopoetics: the Symbolic Construction of Human Identity. vol 1

Part I: Mythic Domain

Libro: € 16.00   2ª mano: € 12.00

Mythopoetics: the Symbolic Construction of Human Identity. vol 1


This edition in three volumes of Mythopoetics: the symbolic construction of human identity, maintains basically the structure and contents of its Spanish counterpart. The present volume, Mythic Domain, corresponds, without major amend-ments or extensions, to the first part of Mitopoética.

It is a reflection on the general problems faced by the traditional science of mythology, exposing their scope and limitations, but, at the same time, it also introduces some new intellectual tools for the treatment of myth, like a theory of morphisms and a theory of liminality and mimesis, tools that will be used extensively throughout the rest of the book.

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AUTOR: Oscar Enrique Muñoz Nacido en Madrid el 15 de Julio de 1960. Es doctor en Filología Románica por la Universidad de Princeton (USA), doctor en Filosofía por U.N.E.D. y licenciado en Bellas Artes, Composición Musical por la State University of Nueva York at Buffalo (USA), escritor, conferenciante, profesor de filosofía y compositor.

EDITORIAL: Mandala Ediciones

ISBN: 9788483529126 / EAN: 9788483529126 / REF: 9788483529126se ha visto 983 veces este mes

Catalogo 2018


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