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Conversations with the Master

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Conversations with the Master


My contact with Mr. Ramiro Calle began after having read some very interesting phrases of his on Facebook pages, where friends named him often. I decided to read his most well-known novel, The Fakir, and his autobiography. Both books fascinated me. This inspired me to send him an email, which he answered the next day in a simple and friendly way, exactly as he is. How humble of him to communicate with a stranger! From that moment we started exchanging emails and cultivating a beautiful friendship and at the same time he went into detail about his wonderful literary work.

After a few months, I decided to meet him personally and he opened to me the doors of his yoga center Shadak, or as I like to call it, the "cathedral of yoga”, in Madrid. Here I was able to participate in his excellent yoga classes and his incredible sessions of mental yoga where after a meditation, he took the time to answer his students most varied questions. His patience can do anything. What impacted me the most was the enormous affection of his students and of the people that you meet from the most diverse parts of Spain and Latin America.
As I got to know him better, I started to discover a human being with a level of depth and simplicity I had never known in the spiritual field.
After all this time we shared together, I have the honor to be able to call him master, although he does not like being called that because he considers himself to be an eternal learner. If there is something that humanity needs, it is examples of good and clarity like Ramiro Calle, a master of life.

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* Ramiro A. Calle Ramiro Calle es pionero de la enseñanza del yoga en España, disciplina que imparte desde hace más de 30 años en el centro de Yoga Y Orientalismo "Shadak". Es el más importante escritor orientalista de este pais y uno de los más importantes de toda Europa. Autor de numerosas obras, ha estudiado en profundidad los efectos terapeuticos de las psicologias orientales y de los aportes de la meditación al psicoanálisis, la psicoterapia y la neurociencia.
* Pablo Meglioli Pablo Meglioli es un empresario argentino, buscador espiritual y practicante de yoga. Gran difusor de la obra de Ramiro Calle en Argentina. Para cumplir su sueño de compartir con Ramiro Calle sus clases y enseñanzas, Pablo Meglioli viajó a España, donde asistió durante 40 días a las clases del que ya tomó como su maestro.

EDITORIAL: Mandala Ediciones

ISBN: 9788417693398 / EAN: 9788417693398 / REF: 9788417693398se ha visto 1012 veces este mes

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